Samstag, 7. April 2012

Semester 3 Break

Once upon a time in my 3rd semester.. .
"Full of regrets. As usual. Aku bukanlah hamba yang baik."
(Gambaran; air mata penyesalan)

Nothing much I can say.
So many new things happened.
Whether I like it or not, I just got to face it.

Most of the time, I intend to say this to some people.

"Go ahead! Judge me if it pleases you."

"Fish you!"


(Dan lain-lain.)

Tak apa. Rasulullah SAW banyak bersabar. I can too.. :)

Sem ni, banyak perubahan yang berlaku. Ini yang di-share, whether you give a damn or not.. . Hehe.. . To make it simpler, I use this kind of method:

My attire doesn't change much. Since my mom bought me a new white tudung, I wear it everytime and ignore what people want to say about my white obsession. It is better and I always think of my parents everytime I wear it.

I can't eat MSG anymore. If not I end up being sick. This is a sign. Don't feed me with something that is 'cheap' and cikai. Since then, I eat balance food on the time I eat the MSG thingy. That's mean, more money used and healthier health ;)

I don't iron my clothes because I used Downy. It doesn't wrinkled bro! I used the time for ironing clothes to sit longer to seek for 'the truth' :)

Alhamdulillah, all nice and I respect them so much for their patience to face us. To Ustazah Noraini Ismail, I hope that our 'little' deal will stay on until I grad :)

I still struggle in class. Don't stop me. Things happened in the class this sem, will not happen again in my 4th sem. I WILL MAKE SURE!

Di Kayangan. Fakulti atas bukit curam. Alhamdulillah Austin with me ;)

Dah tak amik port, but seriously now I am proud to be a masscommer.

Alhamdulillah murah rezeki. Promoted.

Persatuan 2:
I will balance my time for this one too. I blame the timing.

So-so. I will do better. Salah aku sendiri, tak pandai bahagi masa :(

Carry Marks:
Buat malu keluarga. Sem 4 nanti takkan terjadi! Fish! Salah kau la!

Final Exams:
Dipermudahkan. Alhamdulillah. I remember my 88, 143 and my Psychology exam. My sweet boy. Kamu selalu ada.. :) Aww

The Crazy Moment:
1L of MochaLatte. Yes I didn't sleep, studying Psychology, my favorite subject.

Alhamdulillah.. . Dalam usaha mencari sahabat ke syurga Ilahi.. :)

Tak ada. Ini bukan sekolah menengah. Ada pula yang memusuhi aku. Aku tak tanggung pengajian kamu pun? Weirdo.

Love Story:
I told my dad.

Always on people I will not be with. Apa pun ta boleh.

As the conclusion, yang buruk aku buang, yang cantik aku simpan dan lap2 lagi. Allah SWT bagi aku banyak masa. Aku akan manfaatkan mulai detik ini. Siapa yang halang aku sem depan, mesti diberi 'treatment' :)

Sekianlah. Semester 3 yang masam manis manis. I'll make it manis manis manis.

"InsyaAllah.. . Aku boleh dekan sem 4 nanti!"

2 Kommentare:

  1. alala. comel entry ni leha. rasa rindu nak perang mulut manje2 dengan kau >.<

    take care, we'll see next two month insyaAllah :)
    samasama doakan yepp

    1. Hehe terima kasih Ayu.. .Samalah! InsyaAllah.. :)
