Sonntag, 18. März 2012

Yahudi & Jews

-I am pretty sure that everyone has already know about the Jews. Well refer this: (Bukti)

Awaslah! Kamu menyukai mereka, padahal mereka tidak menyukai kamu. Dan kamu juga beriman terhadap segala kitab. Apabila mereka bertemu dengan kamu, mereka berkata: "Kami beriman," dan apabila mereka menyendiri, mereka menggigit hujung jari lantaran perasaan marah bercampur benci terhadap kamu. Katakanlah (kepada mereka): "Matilah kamu dengan kemarahanmu itu." Sesungguhnya Allah mengetahui segala isi hati.-Surah Ali-Imran, a.119

Pengajaran disini, janganlah jadikan Yahudi itu sekutu kamu. Mereka hanya akan membawa mudarat dan memang sudah tertulis bahawa mereka adalah kaum yang dilaknat! Dalam Al-Quran, tertulis, perangai orang Yahudi memang bermasalah.

Ada tertulis yang Yahudi dulu ada yang beriman. Sekarang, entah. Oh well, ingat jelah.

"Mereka penipu mereka hipokrit mereka licik!"
Just look! The Settlers yang celaka!

Kita benci Zionist and the settlers! Aku masih cuba faham si Rabbi yang membenci Zionism.

Ok.. .
The Rabbi that supports Palastine dan menghalang Zionism.


"Ya Allah, bantulah saudara kami.. ."

Assalamualaikum & Auf Wiedersehen.. .

p/s: I want to be an activist. I want to die di jalanNya. Tak banyak aku boleh sumbangkan, yang penting aku akan berusaha sampai aku mati. Doakan lah eh :)

Samstag, 17. März 2012

Your Eyes Are Lying To You

"Hey you! You're doin' it wrong, man!"
(gambar hiasan)

Judgmental Freaks!

They are some people only see what they want to see.
We don't have to force them to see what we want them to see.
Let them understand on their own. They are all grown ups.

Of course.
Misunderstandings can happen any time, but I prefer to call it as bad timing.

Honestly, I am very unhappy when this thing happen, everyone does.

When we do something that can be considered as nice, of course, our intention is to seek for His bless, there are always annoying people just came and crash our moods. Why? I am so sure you all also faced the same situations, right?

They may think that they are good enough to judge other people, but actually, they have NO qualification to do so. I never let my heart judge other people from what I only saw. I know, I am not even close to perfection. Not a chance, not ever! I hate judging other people. I only let Allah do that to me.

The solution to something annoying like this is that,


Tuduh-menuduh tanpa asas ni memang sesuatu perkara yang = merapu.
Menyampah yes, tak akan ada orang suka. Benci sangat.

Daripada benci pada orang tu, baik benci pada sikap orang tu.
Tak elok benci membenci ni.. . Islam tak ajar pun.

Huh.. .

Ikut lah nawaitu masing-masing.
Alhamdulillah, mental aku masih stabil.

When I am about to do something wrong, I can think of Allah and the consequences.
Alhamdulillah, alhamdulillah.. . Sometimes, I don't. Tipulah kalo aku tak buat salah.
Aku bukan malaikat. Tapi manusia. Tak boleh lari dari buat silap.

I want to be a better person inside and outside.

I want to change my past. I must be better.

Let me put down some example.

There is this time, a person can just simply accuse me.
"It's not nice."
Yeah, it is predictable. In that sentence, I know the reeeeaaal meaning inside it.

"I am not a fool and I'll never get fooled, fool!"

That person didn't even know the truth.
I wish I could stab her eyes with my pencil!

The person, saw something 'wrong'. But the real situation is never wrong nor right.
Niii stereotype dan jealous! I don't get it.


I never think about bad things all the time. I want to try my best to control my
temptations. Why do someone keep seeing it as something they want to see?!

Your eyes are lying, buster! I only let you judge me when I've done a sin.
Jagalah tepi kain aku, tapi janganlah biar matamu terus menipu.

You know what will happen to the
"Beauty holds in the eyes of the beholder."
Kalo setiap benda kelihatan buruk dimata kamu, macam mana orang nak nampak kecantikan didalam mata kamu itu? Sedeeeeyy!

Renungan bersama dan marilah menuju ke arah kebaikan.
Sentiasalah doakan stereotype ini dikurangkan di dalam mentaliti orang kita ni.