Samstag, 7. April 2012

My Hidden Messages (7)

Hey! This is my 7th post of 'My Hidden Messages' and more quite shocking truth will be revealed! Wee~:)

Art no.61:
I used W7 Home Premium. Saja eja salah. Refused to get sued :)
(Once again, I used myself as reference)

Art no.62:
"You again". I played 'Zombie' in my head everytime I see the guy. I don't know his name but the redlight zone is soo hot! Pertemuan kami sekadar kebetulan sahaja I guess.. -.-

Art no 63:
After watching 'The Uninvited'. How nice to have a sister to be with us.
The fabulous eye, Arielle Kebbel.

Art no.64:
Cinta zaman sekolah. Pasti ada gadis/jejaka yang lain dari yang lain dimata kamu, bukan?

Art no.65:
A beautiful Arabic woman :)

Art no.66:
See? There are better things to do than just lovey-dovey in life.
I have to censor that one on the table because it is extremely gross.

Art no.67:
Thanks so much for your tutorial, Emily.
I will practice more on creating such masterpiece.
Thanks to you!

Art no.68:
The most valuable thing in this art, is the ~~~ :)

Opss.. . Clumsy me.. . It doesn't reach 70 yet. I love my heart la. Auf Wiedersehen!

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