Mittwoch, 6. Juni 2012

Transit of Venus 2012

You can read about it in the link above.

This 06 June 2012 is our last chance to see it. How sad I didn't even noticed it happened in 2004. Thank you so much to my dad. He's the one who reminded me about this phenomenon few hours ago.

I have missed few solar eclipse and super-moon and more. Sad, isn't it?

And this time, I will make sure I won't miss this chance to see the Venus transit. I need to bring down my telescope from the cupboard, put on a shade and see it!

The last transit we'll ever get to see for this century. December 2117 and December 2125? We won't stand a chance.. :'( So get out and get your eyes burned by the beauty of His creation!

InsyaAllah, I won't miss this chance. الله أكبر

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