Mittwoch, 6. Juni 2012

Transit of Venus 2012 Experience

Alhamdulillah.. . Thank you Allah SWT! Thank you for this chance of letting me see the beauty of your creation. Although there isn't much for me to see, but thanks for this chance!

It is sad, I woke up late because I didn't know when (what time) this phenomenon will happen. So there I go, getting my things prepared;

2 shades and my dusty ol' telesc.

That's why I need 2

Was für ein schöner Tag. I saw an aeroplane. Can you find it? Beside the sun

My MSPaint art shows you what I saw

Much sad, I don't have the right 'gear' to snap the photo when it happened, but here I draw it back using MSPaint. How lame.. :'( (The view is inverted by the way)

Alhamdulillah. Thanks again for giving me this chance of my lifetime Ya Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang. Guess I'll get to see it again next century although I maybe in hell or heaven that time. Kun faya kun!

p/s: Thank you Abah sebab bagitahu yang transit ini bakal terjadi. Kalau tak mesti Leia do nothing all day without giving any d*** about what happened today.. :')


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