Dienstag, 17. Mai 2011

Transair Kuala Lumpur

I am sure not all of you knows about Transair, right?
Transair is an academy in Kuala Lumpur that introduce the students about career in aviation.
The first week it to introduce and teach basic things like phonetics and how to do ticketing.
The students can choose to be:

Flight Attendants

I wish to be a Customer Service Agent. Humm.. . Oh okay set!

The week of studies are tiring. I was forced to wear like corporate people. Heels and makeups and stuffs. The first day, we get to know each other. Gosh they all beautiful and good looking people. I go there with my brother's friend, who coincidentally wants to go there as well. So why not? I can go with her.

The place is in KL, stop at Medan Tuanku.

With her car and train for a full week, we go to the Transair Academy. So tired and I could use to this. We all become good friends, studying together and more. Day move so fast and the last day, we go out together to, Pavilion. Not all. Aqif and other couldn't make it. Too bad.

We had Pizza Hut and chat and all. Not to mention about the bad service and hilarious stories!

Dilla, Sabrina, Eera, Nizam, Jay, Ramdzan and me. Waiting for the slow service.. :(

To remember again. There are some unforgettable thing happen like the 'rocket' and something like that. There are few funny things too, about we laughing about our seniors on the next class. Thing I love the most is when our lecturer, Miss Izatti Nordin make up my face until one of my friend said that I look like Fasha Sandha. Ewww, but what? She's beautiful.

Make up done by my lecturer, Miss Izzati Nordin

She makes me look so beautiful and I feel refuse to wipe off the work of art on my face. Where is she now? I don't know. We are her last class to teach and then she stop working. I guess she is married now.

And these are my friends, some of them are already work in the airport. Lucky them! :)

My guyfriends and our lecturer. Hafiz, Aswad, Ramdzan, Sathia, Jay, Nizam and Aqif.

These are the ladies. Forget, Eyyla, Miss Izzati, Sabrina, Eera, Forget, Me and Dilla.

Oh I love them so much and hope to see them again. In the graduation day perhaps?
I know we all be able to chase our dream and one day we will work together in the blue sky! Insya-Allah.. :)


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