Sonntag, 11. September 2011

That Person!

First thing first. F to that person I was going to talk about.

Nobody likes rude people. They are usually selfish and ego.
I hate rude people. Not only they are rude but they are also stinks!
This post is full of hatred and anger. I will never post anything like this ever again.
This post are posted just to show you all that this person does exist.

That Person. A very immature.

I know someone who are rude. That person always hated me. I know it because I can see it very well, that person talks on my back too. Comparing to that person, I am much better, yeah, honestly. It is very disgusting when there was a time, a cockroach wandering around, when it comes to my place, that person try damn best to kill it.

Yes. The cockroach died exactly under my table. That person really wants my place to be dirty in any way. F that person, the slime didn't come out. Disappointing much? Such an unthankful person. I always cleaned that person's place. When that person are forced to do the same thing for everyone else, that person will mention it in later days. Ok ok we will remember your noble attitude.

Let me proceed. That person used other people things without permission too. Pathetic, right?Shameless, lazy, no self-identity and even hang out with popular people although that person was not like that person. Just to get popular as well? You want to comment?

That person doesn't own a mirror I guess. That person talked dirty about me and someone else to other people but that person doesn't realize that they talked about that person's own self. Hahaha very funny. It is like spitting to the air, don't you think?

Since the first time I met that person, I sensed that I will never get along with that person. Not a chance, not ever. I believe because that's the way it has to be. That person doesn't have any benefit to me but that person always needs me. Hahaha how ironic.. !

And.. .
I really want to tell that person to stop interrupting when I was talking to someone else. All the time. Always interrupting. Haish.. . I never asked that person anything. Please, who wants to talk to that person? Stop being busybody, please? I am begging.. . Also, that person think that they are smarty pants, yeah? That person think that they know everything, right? The answers I want always wrong when that person answering it. Shut up to that person. That person only expert about erotic stuffs. Wow, where do that person get the information from? Source? Hahahaha!! ! Joking, I don't wanna know about that disgusting information. That person said "no you have to know.. . bla bla bla.. ". I can think about it by myself and requires no information from other people.

One more thing, they way that person talk is absolutely annoying. I can see how that person talk to me and how that person talk to other 'cool' people. Yes I compare it. That person's tone is like a ditch and talk like the listeners who are listening doesn't have any feelings (that's me and some people). Shame on that person. Yeah, often, I talked to someone else, but answers I receive from that person. Who asked that person to answer my questions? Dah tu mulut macam bontot ayam. Anyhow, if I accidentally make mistake on that person's place, that person talk overly. It was an accident, fool.

That person will never treat other people like that person treat me, right? It will always be me. That's because that person didn't know me yet. My life must be better without that person's existence. What a killjoy. Now I know that person is full of flaw, I will not do whatever that person do. I want to b 100% different than that person.

I've been very patience with that person for a very long time. I never showed to anyone my true self or my anger. Nobody will recognize me if I am angry. I just wait for a suitable time. When the time comes, I will make sure that person will cry and puke when I critic that person with my spicy mouth in front of other people!

I could also be mean, telling the truth too all the person's friends, family and partner. Hoho they will hate that person. But I am a nice and innocent person, I will not do that.

"They can see the real you with their own eyes. I don't have to do anything."


Bye-bye. Repents before you die! Hahaha!

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